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Facebook Ad Targeting Tips for More Conversions

Facebook ads targeting

Facebook is one of the most powerful social media platforms available, and it’s no surprise that businesses are increasingly turning to it to reach their target audiences.

With its targeted advertising capabilities, Facebook allows marketers to target facebook ads to specific types of users based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and other criteria. Advertisers can ensure their messages reach the right people at the right time to maximize conversions.

In this article, we will discuss some tips for targeting your Facebook ads for increased conversions. Using Facebook’s ad targeting options can help you get better campaign results and ensure your message reaches the right audience.

What is targeting in Facebook Ads?

As of May 2022, Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users worldwide, making it the largest social media platform in the world. Running an ad for this vast audience can be inefficient and expensive, so it’s essential to narrow your target audience to maximize conversions.

Targeting is the process of identifying specific characteristics of the ideal customer and using them to focus your ad campaign on the right people. Facebook provides many options for targeting your ads, including demographics (age, gender, location), interests, behaviors, and more.

lookalike audience

How does Facebook ad targeting work?

Facebook ad targeting enables businesses to define and reach their desired audience for ads. Businesses can set specific criteria, such as age, gender, interests, behaviors, and location, to target their ads to the most relevant audience.

By doing so, businesses can increase the effectiveness of their campaigns by showing ads only to the people who are most likely to be interested in their products or services. However, it’s important to note that targeting a larger audience can increase the cost of ads as it requires a larger budget than targeting a smaller one.

Overall, Facebook ad targeting can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve the performance of their ad campaigns.

The diverse range of targeting features available in Facebook Ads makes it easy to craft campaigns targeting specific audiences. There are different types of audiences public to target, such as:

Core Audiences

Core audiences are users who match specific criteria based on their profile data. This type of audience is best for campaigns that require a broad reach and can be further refined using additional targeting criteria.

Facebook Custom Audiences

Custom audiences allow you to target people with whom you already have a relationship. This could be existing customers, website visitors, app users, or leads from other campaigns. Custom audiences can be used for remarketing, building brand awareness, and testing new products or services.

Saved Audience

Facebook saved audience is a collection of targeting criteria you can use to create new ad sets with similar characteristics quickly. They’re great for running A/B tests and experimenting with different targeting options.

Lookalike Audience

A Lookalike audience is a group of people who share specific characteristics with your existing customers. This audience type is best for campaigns requiring a broad reach but more accurate targeting than core audiences.

App Users

Lastly, app users have installed and used your mobile application. They can be targeted for campaigns focused on re-engagement or upsell/cross-sell opportunities. Many Facebook users are also app audiences, making it easy to reach them with ads in the newsfeed.

By understanding how the Facebook ad targeting strategy works and utilizing its various features effectively, businesses can get better campaign results and improve conversions.

With some experimentation and testing, you can craft a Facebook ad campaign tailored to your target audience for maximum impact.
facebook page

Facebook Ad Targeting Best Practices

With over two billion people using Facebook monthly, ensuring your campaigns target the right audience is essential. Here are some best practices for securing your ads reach the right people:

1. Use a combination of targeting options

One of the best ways to get the most out of your campaigns is to use a combination of targeting options. For example, you could combine demographic, interest, and behavior criteria to target users who fit all three criteria. This will ensure that your ads reach more relevant people and increase conversions.

2. Use creative life events targeting.

Another creative way to target people is to use life events targeting. This allows you to reach users who have recently experienced a specific life event, such as getting married or having a baby. With this type of targeting, you can ensure your message is timely and relevant to users.

3. Utilize location-based targeting

Facebook has powerful location-based targeting capabilities that allow you to target users in specific locations. This is especially useful if you’re running campaigns for local businesses or want to target people who are likely to visit a particular area. Location-based targeting can help you reach more relevant people and increase conversions.

4. Use Facebook pixel for conversions.

Many markers and business owners overlook the importance of using Facebook Pixel for conversions. Utilizing this powerful tool will help you track conversions, retarget users who have taken specific actions on your website or app, and measure the success of your campaigns.

Installing a Meta Pixel and setting up conversion tracking will allow you to gain valuable insights into your campaigns and optimize them for better performance.

5. Tap into recent purchasing behavior.

You can use recent purchasing power targeting to target people who have recently made a purchase. This targeting option will allow you to reach users who bought something from your website or app within 30 days. You can also use this type of targeting to re-engage customers who haven’t purchased in a while and encourage them to buy.

6. Target visitors who didn’t complete a purchase

A segment of visitors will add an item to their cart but never complete the purchase. You can use this segment and retarget them with ads that remind them of the things they haven’t purchased. These ads can be highly effective in driving conversions and increasing sales.

7. Retarget blog post reader’s

Website visitors who read blog posts on your site can be retargeted with ads related to the topics they’ve read about. This type of targeting is beneficial for remarketing campaigns as it allows you to reach people who have expressed an interest in your products or services.

8. Start with your best ads.

If you’ve been running campaigns for some time, use your collected data to determine which ads perform best. You can start by targeting those ads to the right audience and tweak your campaigns based on the results.

Use the Ads Performance Report in Ads Manager to see your best ads. You can also use the Ad Preview Tool to test your ads before they go live. The report is comprehensive and can give valuable insights into your campaigns’ performance.

9. Use clear CTA’s

If you’ve looked at a Facebook ad or a business page, you’ve probably noticed that they often have very clear call-to-actions (CTA’s). This ensures people understand the ad and how it can benefit them. CTA’s will make your ads stand out and encourage users to take action.

Some of the most popular CTA’s include:

  • Sign Up
  • Learn More
  • Subscribe
  • Shop Now
  • Join Us
  • Start Now

10. Monitor and refine your campaigns

Facebook campaigns, unlike other social media platforms, are not the type where you set and forget and expect great results. They take a lot of effort to create, monitor and refine. As you continue to run campaigns, keep an eye on the results and make changes when necessary.

Monitoring, A/B testing, and refining will allow you to optimize your campaigns for maximum effectiveness. This is the only way to ensure that your campaigns constantly improve and drive conversions.

We will look into Facebook Ad Refining in the next section to learn more about optimizing campaigns.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to ensure your campaigns reach the right people and increase conversions. Try experimenting with different Facebook ads targeting options and see what works best for you.

facebook business page

Refining Facebook Ad Targeting

Facebook has a ton of interest-based data that you can use to refine your targeting. You can segment users based on their interests, activities, or even the type of device they’re using. You can also target audiences by age range, relationship status, gender, location, and marital status. The following are examples of how one can refine their targeting on Facebook:

Interest-Based Targeting

Knowing your customer’s interests is one of the best ways to target them on Facebook. You can find people interested in a particular topic and serve ads relevant to their interests.

With interest targeting, you can target audiences with a wide variety of interests. You can target audiences interested in a specific hobby or trend, those who follow certain celebrities or public figures, and even those who have recently purchased a product similar to yours.

Activity-Based Targeting

Another great way to refine your targeting is to target based on user activity or online behavior. The move will tell you a lot about the user and give you insights into what type of ads they may be interested in.

Activity-based targeting is a common type that allows you to target audiences based on their recent online activity.

You can use this type of targeting to reach people who have visited specific websites or a landing page, engaged with content related to your product or service, and even those who have recently purchased a similar outcome.

Device-Based Targeting

One of the best ways to refine your targeting is to target users based on the type of device they are using. By doing so, you can ensure that your ads reach the right people on their preferred devices. For example, if you want to target mobile users, you can create an ad campaign specifically for mobile devices and serve ads tailored to them.

Device-based targeting is essential to ensure that your ads reach users in the best possible format. It also allows you to understand better how users interact with your content and what devices they use.

Financial Resources

With a diverse range of financial resources available, you can leverage data from these sources to target your ads better. For example, you can use information about income and spending habits to create personalized ad campaigns for segments based on their financial status. This type of targeting is beneficial when targeting users with high-value purchases.

Age, Gender, and Location

Refining your audience by age, gender, and location is another excellent way to ensure you reach the right people. You can use this type of targeting to focus your campaigns on specific demographics to get a better ROI.

Facebook’s machine-learning technology allows you to create custom audiences based on these parameters. This will enable you to target users more accurately and maximize your return on investment.

Home Ownership Status

Another way to refine your targeting is by home ownership status. This will allow you to target people who own a house, rent one or live with their parents. It’s important to note that this type of targeting is only available in certain countries.

Using home ownership status as a targeting parameter will help you create more targeted ad campaigns and increase conversions. By understanding your customer’s living situations, you can create ads tailored to their needs and interests, helping you reach the right people.

Industry and Occupation

Facebook allows advertisers to target users based on their industry and occupation. This will enable you to reach people with specific interests or professions. Employment-based targeting is beneficial if you target a particular audience, such as doctors, lawyers, job title, or other professionals.

By targeting users based on their industry and occupation, you can ensure that your ads reach the right people more efficiently. This will help you maximize your ROI and ensure that your campaigns are effective.


If you want to target people from a specific ethnic background, Facebook allows you to do so. The platform targets people based on race, ethnicity, and language.

Using this type of targeting, you can reach a more diverse audience and ensure the right people see your ads. This will help you create more tailored campaigns to your desired demographic and maximize conversions.

Refining your targeting can help you reach the right people and ensure your Facebook campaigns are effective. Try experimenting with different targeting options and see what works best for you. There are many ways to refine your targeting, so don’t be afraid to get creative and find the right combination of targeting methods that work for you.

Dynamic Ads and Targeting Options

Facebook’s dynamic ads are a great way to capture the attention of people who may be interested in similar items that you offer, as well as those users who have already demonstrated an interest in what you’re selling – whether through visiting your website or app.

These dynamic ads allow you to show off multiple versions of your ad, each tailored to each user’s specific interests or needs. You can refine these dynamic ads by targeting users based on their demographic data, buying habits, or past interactions with your brand and products.

When to Use Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads are a versatile and practical advertising format offered by Facebook. They can be used for multiple campaign objectives, including Catalog Sales, App Installs, and Lead Generation. The use of dynamic ads for Catalog Sales is the most common, but they can also be used for other purposes.

Dynamic ads allow you to target two audiences: broad audiences who have not purchased from your brand yet or have already shown interest in specific products and retarget users who have visited your website or app. This allows you to reach potential new customers and those who have already interacted with your brand.

Dynamic ads are the most efficient format to use if you are promoting more than ten products. This is because they allow you to showcase many products in a single ad without creating separate ads for each product. On the other hand, if you have fewer than ten products to promote, you may consider using carousel ads or Facebook Shops instead.

One of the critical benefits of dynamic ads is that they eliminate the need for manual testing to determine which product content works best. Facebook’s machine learning system automatically selects the most relevant ad content based on user behavior, making reaching your target audience easier.

With dynamic ads, you can quickly and efficiently promote your products to a broad audience without spending time and resources on manual testing and optimization.

How Do You Build a Successful Facebook Audience?

Building a successful Facebook audience is crucial for your business’s success on the platform. Facebook offers a wide range of targeting methods to help you reach your desired audience and drive results.

First, define your target market by creating a buyer persona that outlines your ideal customer’s demographic and behavioral characteristics.

Utilize the Audience tab to refine your audience and reach the right people, such as small business owners, frequent international travelers, or those with specific parental status. You can also use a Lookalike audience based on your website traffic or purchase behavior to reach new potential customers.

To maximize the impact of your campaigns, track their performance and adjust your targeting parameters as needed. This will help you identify which audiences are responding best to your ads and allow you to optimize your campaigns for maximum results.

Don’t forget to experiment with different ad formats and creatives to find the right ad for your audience. Try exclusion targeting to exclude people who have already converted or ban frequent travelers from your campaigns if they are not part of your core audience.

Use Facebook targeting options, such as excluding existing audiences or using social advertising to nurture leads.

With the right targeting strategies and creative approach, you can reach your desired Facebook audience, increase website traffic, and drive more ad dollars. Keep in mind that audience size is important, but it’s the relevance of your ads to your target audience that truly matters.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are some frequently asked questions about Facebook Ad Targeting:

How are Facebook ads targeted?

Facebook ads are targeted based on various factors, including demographic information, interests, behaviors, and location. Advertisers can create custom audiences based on data they already have, such as customer email addresses, website visitors, or app audiences.

Facebook ad targeting also offers lookalike audiences similar to the advertiser’s custom audience. Advertisers can also use other targeting parameters to reach people who have engaged with their page or event and have similar interests to their followers.

What are the three types of targeting on Facebook?

The three types of Facebook ad targeting are:

  • Core targeting: This is based on demographic information, interests, behaviors, and location.
  • Custom audience targeting: This allows advertisers to create a custom audience based on data they already have, such as customer email addresses, website visitors, or Facebook users.
  • Lookalike targeting: This enables advertisers to target people with similar characteristics to their existing customers or website visitors.

What is audience targeting in Facebook ads?

Facebook targeting defines the people likely to be interested in the ad.

Advertisers can create Facebook custom audiences based on data they already have on their Facebook page or use Facebook’s targeting options to reach people who have engaged with their page or event, as well as people who have similar interests to their followers. This helps to ensure that the Facebook ad is seen by the right people and can lead to better engagement and conversion rates.


In conclusion, Facebook ad targeting is a powerful tool for businesses to reach potential customers and drive conversions.

By utilizing the various advanced targeting options available, businesses can refine their ads to reach a specific audience and increase the likelihood of conversions. With Facebook pixels, Facebook audiences saved audiences, and lookalike audiences, businesses can reach potential customers at different marketing funnel stages.

Targeting recent purchasing behavior and blog readers, as well as visitors who didn’t complete a purchase, can help businesses nurture leads and increase conversions.

As Facebook continues to evolve and introduce new targeting methods, businesses should stay up-to-date with the latest features and best practices to ensure the success of their future campaigns.


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