How Much Does Influencer Marketing Cost?

influencer marketing

Are you wondering how much influencer marketing is going to cost your business? Influencer marketing has become invaluable for businesses looking to increase brand awareness and drive sales. But with so many different pricing models, it can be hard to know what the proper budget should be. So, how can you identify the right influencer for your business, and how much should you be prepared to spend?

Let’s explore the various costs associated with influencer marketing and provide tips on finding the right influencer for your budget. With a better understanding of influencer marketing costs, you’ll be able to maximize your influencer marketing ROI and get the most out of your campaigns.

influencer marketing cost

Factors That Determine Influencer Marketing Costs

Before we go into the average costs of influencer marketing, it’s essential to understand the factors that affect pricing. As influencer marketing is a business like any other and the actors in the industry (Influences) have to make a living, the cost of their services will vary based on several factors, such as:

  • Type of content
  • Channel
  • Influencer’s audience size
  • Follower engagement rate
  • Your product type

So, let’s look at these factors closely so you can understand what goes into the cost of influencer marketing campaign.

Type of Content

One of the significant factors in influencer marketing costs is the type of content that is being created. Influencers use a variety of content formats, including videos, photos, and stories. Each type has its price tag based on the effort required to produce the post.

Generally speaking, video posts tend to be more expensive than other types of content, while stories can often be made for a much lower cost.


Content creation isn’t the only factor determining influencer marketing costs. The platform you choose for your campaign also matters. Influencer marketing campaigns can be used on various platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. Each platform has associated costs, depending on the influencer’s following and engagement rate.

For example, suppose we use Neal Schaffer’s formulas of calculation. In that case, we can get a clear picture of the average price you can expect to pay influencers on different social media channels:

Here are Neal’s formulas for the different channels for influencer marketing:

  • TikTok: $25 per post / 1,000 followers
  • Instagram: $10 per post / 1,000 followers, $250-$750 per 1,000 engagements
  • Facebook: $25 per post / 1,000 followers
  • YouTube: $20 per video / 1,000 subscribers, $50-$100 per 1,000 video views
  • Snapchat: $10 per post / 1,000 followers
  • Twitter: $2 per post / 1,000 followers
  • Blog: $60 per post / 1,000 unique visitors

The formulas do a great job of giving you an idea of how much influencers charge for their services, but it’s worth noting that the influencer marketing cost can vary depending on other factors.

Influencer’s Audience Size

Another major factor determining influencer marketing costs is the influencer’s audience size. A few years back, brands only focused on the influencer’s follower count and engagement rates.

While this is still important, brands now understand the importance of other influencers with different-sized audiences.

One needs to know the different types of influencers based on their audience size.

The following are categories of influencers based on how many followers they have:

  • Mega influencers: 1,000,000+ followers
  • Macro influencers: 500k to 1,000,000 followers
  • Mid-level influencers: 50k to 500,000 followers
  • Micro-influencers: 10k to 50k followers
  • Nano-influencers: 1k to 10k followers

Each category has its influencer marketing cost, so it is essential to consider your target audience and choose the right influencer accordingly.

Follower Engagement Rate

Regarding influencers, more followers mean nothing if they don’t engage with their content. Brands also look at an influencer’s engagement before signing a deal. This is calculated by dividing the number of interactions (likes + comments) on an influencer’s posts by the number of their followers. The higher the engagement rate, the more expensive they will be.

Your Product Type

The influencer marketing cost also depends on what type of product or service you are promoting. If you sell a luxury item, it may require a higher budget than a more affordable product. It’s important to factor in the cost of the product when setting your budget for influencer marketing.
influencer marketing pricing

Factors to consider before working with an Influencer

Some essential factors to consider when selecting an influencer for your campaign.

Consider your goals

Before engaging with an influencer, it is essential to set a clear and measurable goal. What do you want to achieve with this campaign? You should also specify KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to measure the success of your campaign.

General KPIs for influencer marketing might include the following

  • More followers
  • Brand awareness
  • Increased sales or conversions

Researching the influencer

It is important to research an influencer’s audience and the campaigns they have done in the past. It would be best to consider their engagement, social media presence, cost of services, etc.

It’s essential to reach out to multiple influencers and create a list of potential partners before choosing one from the list.

Production arrangements

Another critical factor to consider is the production requirements. Do you have specific conditions, such as content style, copywriting, or graphics? Will the influencers travel to take pictures or videos? These things should be discussed in advance.


A detailed contract discussing your agreement’s terms, payment deadlines, and other details are essential. This will ensure that both parties are on the same page and all expectations are met.

Types of influencer partnerships

Many influencers have different types of partnerships available for each social media platform. Understanding the other options is essential in considering which is best for your campaign. Some influencers have a press kit outlining their various services and associated rates.

The following are the most common types of influencer partnerships:

Sponsored content

One of the most common types of influencer partnerships is sponsored content. This is when an influencer promotes your product or service through a blog post, social media post, or video. Sponsored content typically involves payment in exchange for promotional content.

Affiliate partnerships

An affiliate partnership is an influencer agreement where the influencer can earn a commission based on sales generated through their promotion. The best thing about affiliate marketing or partnership is that there are no upfront costs.


Gifting is a popular way of working with influencers, especially with smaller budgets. Gifting involves sending an influencer free products, services, or gift cards in exchange for promotional content. This partnership can help build brand loyalty and create long-term relationships with influencers.

Brand Ambassador

Familiar with celebrity influencers, a brand ambassador partnership involves hiring an influencer to represent your brand. This agreement usually applies to long-term commitments, such as attending events and creating content. It is also more expensive than other types of partnerships.


Another type of influencer partnership is a giveaway. This involves an influencer offering a contest or giveaway of your product or service to their followers. This type of promotion can help increase awareness and grow your following. Giveaways need a reasonable budget because the influencer will likely require payment to cover the costs of running the giveaway.

The costs of running a giveaway campaign with an influencer should be considered when making your budget. You should also take into account the number of followers the influencer has.

Platform takeover

A platform takeover is when an influencer takes over a social account for a day and posts content related to the brand. This type of partnership can be expensive, but it can also help to increase brand awareness and engagement in a short amount of time.

Platform takeovers are popular on TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat, where influencers can create stories or posts that their followers see.

Caption mention

Lastly, a caption mention is when an influencer mentions your brand in the caption of a post or photo. This type of partnership is usually cheaper and can help build your visibility if you have a small budget. It’s important to remember that this type of agreement doesn’t guarantee engagement; it simply provides exposure.

Overall, influencer marketing can be a great way to promote your brand, build relationships with influencers, and reach new audiences. Understanding the different types of partnerships available and ensuring all expectations are met is essential for success. You can create content that resonates with your target audience by working together and communicating clearly.

How to Find an Influencer 

The right influencer for your campaign will significantly impact your success. It’s essential to take the time to research influencers and find one who aligns with your brand values and will be a good fit for your target audience.

The following tips can help you find the perfect influencer for your campaign:

Use influencer marketing platforms

There are several platforms available that can help you find the perfect influencer. These platforms allow you to search by location, audience size, and other criteria to help narrow down your options. The various social media platforms will save you time by allowing you to compare several influencers at once quickly.

Influencer agencies

Another way to find an influencer is to use an agency. Agencies have a network of influencers and can help you find the right one for your campaign. They will also handle all the legwork, such as negotiating rates and contracts.

The downside of using an agency is that it can be expensive. You will likely pay a higher fee than if you negotiate directly with the influencer.

Social listening

Social listening is a great tool to help you find influencers already talking about your brand or industry. Social listening tools allow you to track what is said about your brand on social media and identify potential influencers who could be a good fit for your campaign.

Contact influencers directly

You can contact influencers directly with an offer they might be interested in. It’s important to remember that influencers can be busy, so be sure to have a well-crafted pitch when reaching out.

It’s also important to know what you’re willing to pay the influencer and how much time the campaign will take to complete. Knowing this information will help you create a more compelling offer and make it easier for the influencer to decide if it’s worth partnering with your brand.

instagram influencer

How Much do Influencers Earn Per Post?

The amount an influencer earns per post depends on several factors, including the influencer’s audience size, engagement, and reach.

So, in this section, we will look at the top social media platforms. The figures below are based on the small business blog stats showcasing average influencer earnings.

  • Instagram (93%)
  • TikTok (68%)
  • Facebook (68%)
  • YouTube (48%)
  • Twitter (32%)


This image-based social media marketing platform is among the most popular with influencers, with 93% using it to promote brands. Instagram is so popular nowadays that even your grandparents are probably on it.

The best thing about Instagram influencers is that any business can use them to reach and engage with its customers. Creating content, posting it, and building influencers’ follower count is easy.

Instagram supports content in many formats, including:

  • Reels
  • IGTV
  • Instagram videos
  • Stories
  • and Instagram posts

These diverse content formats make it easier for influencers to create content that resonates with their followers.

Here is how much an Instagram Influencer earns per post:

  • Celebrity Instagram Influencers: The earnings vary, but some have been paid over $1 million
  • Mega-Influencer: $10,000+ per post
  • Macro-Influencer: $5000$10,000 per post
  • Mid-tier influencer: $500$5000 per post
  • Micro-influencer: $100$500 per post
  • Nano-influencer: $10$100 per post

These figures may differ depending on the Instagram influencer’s audience size, reach, and influencer post rates.


A newer but trendy social media marketing platform is TikTok. It’s a short video-sharing platform that allows users to create 15-second videos and share them with their followers. With its fun, creative interfaces and special effects, it’s an ideal way for users to express themselves

The platform has millions of users and is snowballing, so if you’re looking for an influencer with a massive reach and engagement, TikTok might be the way to go.

The following is the average cost of working with TikTok influencers of different audience sizes:

  • Mega-influencer: $2500+ per post
  • Macro-influencer: $1250 – $2500 per post
  • Mid-tier influencer: $125-$1250 per post
  • Micro-influencer: $25 – $125 per post
  • Nano-influencer: $5 -$25 per post

The best thing about TikTok is the majority of influencers on the platform are not celebrities making it affordable and easier to find a good influencer for your brand.


Facebook is one of the oldest social media marketing channel available and has been around since 2004. It’s a great place to find influencers who can increase your brand’s visibility by sharing related content.

Facebook can be one of the ideal marketing channels if you’re looking to target an older demographic. Unlike other social media platforms, it also supports various content formats, such as photos, videos, and live streams.

Here is the average cost of working with influencers on Facebook:

  • Mega-influencers: $25,000+ per post
  • Macro-influencer: $12,500 – $25,000 per post
  • Mid-tier influencer: $1,250 – $12,500 per post
  • Micro-influencer: $250 – $1,250 per post
  • Nano-influencer: $25 -$250 per post

These costs vary greatly depending on many factors and may change over time.


YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform. It’s an ideal place to find influencers who create content related to your product or service.

Many businesses are now using YouTube as part of their digital marketing strategy because it has immense potential for brand collaboration, visibility, and customer engagement.

Youtube influencers may charge per video, brand mention, or video view,s which varies depending on youtube and their Niche audience.

Here is the average cost of working with influencers on YouTube:

  • Mega-influencer: $20,000+ per video content
  • Macro-influencer: $10,000 – $20,000 per video
  • Mid-tier influencer: $1000 – $10,000 per video
  • Micro-influencers: $200 – $1000 per video
  • Nano-influencer: $20 -$200 per video


Twitter is a platform where you can express yourself, connect with others, and share news and ideas. With Twitter, you can create your world of conversations—from following breaking news to discussing current topics.

This massive platform also offers a great way to network with others. You can find and chat with people who share similar interests, create your community of followers, or join worldwide conversations.

Twitter influencers are some of the most influential people on the platform. They lead conversations and have the power to shape opinions. You can find some of the lowest influencer marketing prices on Twitter.

Here is the average cost of working with Twitter influencers:

  • Mega-influencers: $2,000+ per tweet
  • Macro-influencers: $1,000 – $2,000 per tweet
  • Mid-tier influencers: $100 – $1,000 per tweet
  • Micro-influencers: $20 – $100 per tweet
  • Nano-influencers: $2 -$20 per tweet

When working with Twitter influencers, one must keep in mind two key metrics—follower count and engagement rate. The larger the audience size, the more expensive it will be to work with the influencer. Similarly, a higher engagement rate means the influencer is more likely to reach your target audience and generate results.

Overall, working with social media influencers can effectively amplify your brand’s message and grow its awareness. You can use many different influencer marketing platforms, each with its own set of influencers with varying costs. It’s important to research before deciding which platform and influencer will be the best fit for your brand.

instagram influencer pricing

Factors that affect influencer pricing

We have seen different factors that determine influencer marketing spend. We can also look at different factors influencing an influencer’s pricing.

These include:

Influencer marketing campaign length

The length of the marketing campaign will directly affect the cost. Longer campaigns will tend to be more expensive, as the influencer has to devote more time and resources to promoting your brand. On the other hand, a one-time product activation like a giveaway or a single Instagram post will be much less expensive.

To be successful with long-term influencer marketing campaigns, your brand should focus on building relationships with the influencers since this will benefit both parties in the long run. It’s important for one to have a plan in place and to provide the influencer with the necessary guidance and support.

Usage rights

Another factor that can affect the influencer cost is usage rights. Usage rights are based on how your brand will use the influencer’s content after it’s created.

Usage rights can range from simple social media posts to a full-fledged commercial campaign or product launch. The more usage rights you ask for, the higher the cost.

It’s important to be clear and transparent with the influencer about how your brand will use its content to avoid any misunderstandings or disagreements down the road.

Agency fees

Because many influencers are under contract with talent agencies, working with them can be more expensive. Talent agencies like influencer marketing hub typically charge a fee that’s added to the influencer’s cost.

This fee can drastically influence the influencer’s cost drastically, so it’s important to ask the influencer marketing company upfront about their fees before committing to working with the influencer. This can help you better plan your influencer marketing budget and ensure you get the best value for your money.


The contract has a clause for exclusivity – the influencer agrees to promote only your brand within a certain period. If you want an exclusive contract, it will come with a higher price tag.

Rush fee

A rush fee is a charge that an influencer imposes for shorter turnaround times. While most influencers are understanding and accommodating, some might add a rush fee if you require content quicker than their usual turnaround time.

This fee is usually negotiable, so it’s important to talk to the influencer about your timeline before agreeing to work with them.

Post combos

Another common tactic in influencer marketing is that influencers and an influencer marketing agency offer a combo of posts, usually three or more. This often works out cheaper than paying per post, so if you’re looking for multiple posts from an influencer, it might be worth asking about a combo package.

Post combos can involve posting on more channels, running multiple Instagram stories, or creating longer videos. It’s important to always discuss the details of each post before agreeing on a combo package.

In conclusion, influencer pricing can vary depending on several factors, such as usage rights, influencer marketing agency fees, exclusivity, and rush fee.

influencer tier

It’s important to ask questions and understand the different components of influencer marketing pricing to ensure your brand gets the most bang for its buck.

Key metrics when pricing influencers

As we have looked at the different factors influencing influencer rates, it’s also important to consider critical metrics when pricing out an influencer.

These will help determine the financial outcomes of the engagement and whether it’s worth the cost.

Some of the key metrics to use in your financial model include:


Your campaign metrics should consider the target audience demographic to determine whether it is reaching the right people.

For example, if working with an influencer with over 30K followers, a 5 percent engagement rate, and half their audience is us-based.

Then your effective models could be approximately eight buyers with an assumption of a 1 percent purchase rate on the engagement.

As you can see, the demographic metrics will help you to understand your return on investment better.


The influencer’s followers should also be checked for bots. Bots are automated accounts on a social media channel that can inflate the influencer’s reach, so it’s important to filter them out when evaluating their metrics.

Bot traffic is not targeted and will not lead to conversions, so it’s essential to ensure the influencer’s metrics are authentic.

It’s not challenging to identify bot traffic because you can see signs like inconsistent engagement rates, low engagement rates or low-quality comments, and sporadic follower growth.

You can also use social media analytic tools to help you identify fake accounts and remove them from the data set.

Follower growth percentage

Another key metric to consider is the percentage of follower growth for the influencer you are working with or want to work with.

This will help you better understand the impact of the influencer’s content on their followers and give you a sense of the potential return on investment for your campaign.

Influencer marketing ROI

One key metric that all brands should be looking at is the return on investment of their influencer marketing campaigns.

This can help them to determine whether engaging with an influencer was truly worth it and if they achieved the desired results.

Calculating influencer ROI involves measuring the cost of the campaign compared to its returns in terms of engagement, leads, clicks, or sales. By monitoring this metric, you can understand the true effectiveness of your influencer campaigns and adjust them accordingly.

Influencer marketing rate sheets and results

A good practice is asking the influencer for their rate sheet and results from previous campaigns so you can get a better understanding of their influence. Rate sheets are the best way to compare the cost of different influencers, as they provide an overview of the pricing tiers and usage rights for each tier.

Additionally, looking at previous campaigns’ results will help you make more informed decisions about which influencers to work with.

It’s also important to be transparent and communicate your expectations before agreeing on a combo package. This will ensure that both parties are on the same page and there are no surprises down the line.

By understanding these key metrics, you can accurately price out an influencer marketing campaign while making sure it meets your objectives and is worth the investment.

Evaluating these metrics will help you get the most out of your influencer marketing campaigns.

snapchat influencer post rates

How Much Does Influencer Marketing Cost FAQs

How do you determine your influencer marketing campaign budget?

When determining your influencer marketing budget, you need to consider your goals, the type of campaign you’re running, the desired reach and impact of the campaign, and the cost of influencers.

Additionally, it’s essential to factor in costs for production (if needed), campaign fees, creative fees, and other associated costs.

What do you need before you contact a prospective influencer?

It is essential to do your homework before contacting an influencer. This includes researching the influencer’s content and analyzing metrics such as follower growth, engagement rate, post frequency, tone of voice, etc.

You should also check for bots using social media analytics tools to filter out fake accounts.

You can prepare a brief, outline the campaign objectives and deliverables, discuss your expectations, determine your rate sheet, and provide a timeline. This will give the influencer an overview of what to expect from working with you and make it easier for them to provide an accurate quote.

How should you treat the influencer marketing partnership process?

Like any other business relationship, the influencer marketing partnership process should be treated with respect and transparency.

This means communicating your campaign expectations, setting a timeline for deliverables, and creating a contract outlining the agreement’s terms.

Additionallkeepingeep, keeping lines of communication open throughout the campaign is essential to ensure smooth functioning.

How do you know what type of influencer you should approach for your business?

Before contacting an influencer, it is essential to understand the type of influencer that would be the best fit for your business.

This means researching and looking at their content and analytics to ensure they align with your brand’s message and target audience. You can also consider their engagement rate, follower demographic, post frequency, etc., to get a better idea of their influence.

What additional benefits will you net with a successful influencer marketing partnership?

There are many benefits to working with influencers, not just financial ones. By partnering with the right person for an influencer marketing campaign, you can gain access to a larger audience and build relationships with potential customers.

Additionally, influencer marketing can help build brand awareness and increase customer loyalty. Finally, it can also be used as a platform for research and insight into what your target market is looking for.

How do you plan for and measure a successful influencer campaign?

Before launching an influencer campaign, planning and determining your specific goals is essential; from there, you can create a strategy that outlines the steps for achieving these objectives. Once the campaign has been launched, it is essential to track and measure its performance to analyze what worked and what didn’t. This will allow you to make adjustments and ensure the campaign is successful.

Measuring a successful influencer campaign budget can be done by tracking metrics such as engagement rate, post reach, website traffic, shares, and sales. You should also look at other qualitative data, such as consumer feedback, to get an in-depth picture of how the campaign is performing.

Is influencer marketing more expensive?

No, influencer marketing does not have to be expensive. While costs can vary depending on the influencer and their reach, there are ways to save money.

This includes working with micro-influencers with a more focused audience and negotiating rates with influencers. Additionally, you can maximize your budget by using influencer networks or other platforms that offer discounts or referral codes.

Overall, influencer marketing can be a cost-effective way to get your message out and reach potential customers. With the right strategy and planning, you can make it work for any budget.