In the new normal of social distancing, to acquire high-paying clients, we can’t forget to improve our social media. Social media should not be seen as a part of your marketing plan, but more as an argument of your marketing plan. For business-to-business, the logical platform to utilize is Linkedin and YouTube. Even though that is ideal for some cases, it is not possible to ignore Instagram and Facebook.
A common mistake marketers tend to make is that they think they fully grasp who their audience is. Marketers should not assume they fully know their audience or that a specific creative direction is the best move. TEST, TEST, TEST, and…… TEST AGAIN. Occasionally, the best performing ads come from the ones that are second-guessed.
Each platform has its own native audiences and, therefore, its own way of connecting with your audience. That is why it is important to create content that is tailored to their specific consumers. It is essential to stand out, but also fit in these highly saturated platforms.
Remember that most people hate ads, so try your best not to feel like one. Treat this exchange as a first date; court them. Don’t just get to the point of what you want, make them feel understood and cared for. It is important to be ready. Campaigns are unpredictable and can spike at any moment, which is why we need to be ready at any moment; to capitalize on the spike and make the most of the situation.
For most marketers, the goal is to scale a win but it is also important to test new ideas as soon as possible because what works today might not work down the line.
Be patient, and give things time. It is tough, but do not mess with the campaigns too often. This is why it is important to always create new campaigns for new tests, then consolidate what is working. So you do not trigger a new learning phase on ads before gathering enough purposeful data.
Take the client’s budget as personal as possible. When a client trusts you with their account, it is as if they are trusting you with their child. Treat it as such; they put a lot of blood, sweat, tears into its development, and they trust you to grow it and not flippantly spend.
Be heavily involved in the overall customer experience. One way to ensure the excellent customer experience is to regularly offer site optimizations and consult in the creative asset development process. Bluntly asking a client, “Send me your assets” is not enough and does not build trust and transparency. Work closely with their content teams to ensure you are producing creative assets that convert well based upon data.
Whether you are an independent consultant looking for high-paying clients or a celebrity with millions of followers, staying poised and alert about your social media presence will display a higher ROI. Don’t waste money on campaigns that are dead-ends, make sure you are putting the right content out there to succeed in the crowded and fast-punching world of social media.